Positioning yourself in a convincing way (read: not too good to be true), with personality, flaws and an 'edge', is the only way to consistently pick up high value women. Fortunately, if you are an adherent of natural game, most of these things will come automatically instead of 'trying', to be different, 'trying', to make her like you and 'trying', to be something you are not! (Trying is for losers. keep it effortless) The affect of differentiation is also observed in men. I was sitting in a cafe one day and a group of young Asian girls came past on a field trip. Typically, of Asians they all seemed to look the same – except one. This girl had bright blue hair, not particularly any more attractive or better dressed than the other Voronezh females, but for some reason I could not take my eyes off her. It was the differentiation affect at work; just by having a stupid neon hair colour it completely distracted me from the other females within her group.